Sunday, June 28, 2009

And We're Off...

Its 2:45 am...we are about to wake up all of the kids. There are three of us adults who have not been able to sleep at all, so please be praying for all of our attitudes today. :) We're all excited and ready to go.

We had a good hour of worship and prayer time last night. Matt had us pray for the city of Juarez, the family we are building for, travels, and each other.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

PS...if you leave any comments of encouragement or prayers, we'll try to read them to the team throughout the week. All you have to do is click " # comments" below and fill out the form.


  1. Hi there! It certainly was a great time of focused prayer last night. I continue to pray for your safety, connectedness with each other and with the family for which you’re building the house, humility, safety and health, and for all the people of the Juarez area … suffice it to say that you are blanketed with many prayers of many people! Remember to drink lots of water (OK, that’s the mom in me; I can’t help it!). I am very proud of you! Love, LeNah (Bree K’s mom)

  2. Hello Missionaries!!

    My prayers are for your safe travels today. For those of you who did not sleep my good Friend Ginger (a missionary to Turkey) once told me "Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is...Take a Nap!" Love you guys and love what your up to.
    P.S. Andy remember it puts the lotion on its skin. lol :)

  3. Hello all,

    The mother in me says drink lots of water and put the sunscreen on!

    We are praying for all of you, dividing the list up each evening and praying for you specifically! Your lives will never be the same after what you will see and experience this week. Thank you for letting God use you in such a special way!
